Montag, 10. Juni 2013

WWKIP Day(s)

Knitting meeting on World Wide Knit in Public Day (June 8 - 16, 2013):

Freitag, 7. Juni 2013

Crochet Dress

Seen in a shop window in Barcelona. I didn't look for a price tag ... ;-)

Dienstag, 28. Mai 2013

Samstag, 25. Mai 2013


My Buttercup sweater (pattern by Heidi Kirmeier - available at Ravelry). I used some lovely Kaléido yarn - bought at La Droguerie in Paris.

Dienstag, 2. April 2013

Chair Cover

Free Tutorial: Chair Cover knitted from an old blanket
Upcycle your old blankets by cutting them into strips and knit a comfortable chair cover ... to sit a bit warmer on cool spring days.

I used an old fitted sheet (i.e. elastic material) and cut it in a spiral (as described here), except that I didn't tear the material, but used scissors. Afterwards I stretched the material a bit (as you do when making t-shirt yarn) while I wound it up into a big ball.

This chair cover is knitted along the lines of Frankie Brown's Ten Stitch Blanket pattern. However, it's not worked as a spiral.

I used 25mm needles and cut up sheets as yarn, but I guess T-shirt yarn will work fine, as well.

Here's how I did it:

Provisionally cast on 10 stitches,
Row 1: sl1 k9
Row 2: sl1 k8 w+t
Row 3: sl1 k to end
Row 4: sl1 k7 w+t
Row 5: sl1 k to end
Row 6: sl1 k6 w+t
Row 7: sl1 k to end
Row 8: sl1 k5 w+t
Row 9: sl1 k to end
Row 10: sl1 k4 w+t
Row 11: sl1 k to end
Row 12: sl1 k3 w+t
Row 13: sl1 k to end
Row 14: sl1 k2 w+t
Row 15: sl1 k to end
Row 16: sl1 k1 w+t
Row 17: sl1 k to end
Row 18: sl1 w+t
Row 19: k1
Row 20: sl1 k1 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 21: sl1 k to end
Row 22: sl1 k2 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 23: sl1 k to end
Row 24: sl1 k3 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 25: sl1 k to end
Row 26: sl1 k4 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 27: sl1 k to end
Row 28: sl1 k5 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 29: sl1 k to end
Row 30: sl1 k6 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 31: sl1 k to end
Row 32: sl1 k7 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 33: sl1 k to end
Row 34: sl1 k8 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 35: sl1 k to end
Row 36: sl1 k7 (picking up the wrapped stitch)
Row 37: sl1 k to end

Repeat Rows 1 to 37 a total of 3 times, then knit rows 1 to 36.
Graft ends together in garter stitch, i.e.
  • setup: Front purl, back purl.
  • front needle: knit slip, purl leave.
  • back needle: knit slip, purl leave.

Sonntag, 24. Februar 2013

Mixed Wave Cowl - The First 5 Sections

I finally got round to knitting another cowl and taking photos of the process.
So, in the hope that this might help people who try to knit the cowl but at first cannot imagine how it will add up, here are photos of the first 5 sections. The marker around which a section has just been added, is pointed out with a red dot.

The first section is a left leaning section - knitted around the current marker 3.

 The second section is a right-leaning section - knitted around the current marker 5.

The third section is a left-leaning edge section - knitted around the marker that was number 6 when the five-section-sequence was started, but is now the fifth marker. Please note also, that a new marker (left of the marker with the red dot) has been put on the needle.

The forth section is a right-leaning edge section - knitted around the first marker on the needle.

The fifth section is a left-leaning section - knitted around the only marker that hadn't been used in this five-section-sequence.

The above photo shows a summary - above the markers it is written which section was knitted around it. You can see that all markers have been used while knitting five sections.

Please note,
  • the new marker has been put on the needle because there were more than 10 stitches between the edge marker and the last pattern marker as well as 
  • that the marker that was the first (when the five-section-sequence began) has been remove because it had reached the edge marker.